Stakeholder Identification & User Journeys Workshop


The main scope of the EuroHyPerCon project is to identify and analyze the connectivity requirements of HPC systems in Europe and subsequently specify a future-proof connectivity service, along with its implementation roadmap. The study is a crucial cornerstone for the EuroHPC JU to develop further and improve the European HPC ecosystem, and thus, the engagement of the HPC user community to provide feedback and connectivity requirements is vital. For this reason, European and national/regional HPC and data centres (essentially Tier-0 and Tier-1 system), as well as the user communities behind them, are essential stakeholders in delivering requirements.

We are planning to organize 2-3 virtual/hybrid workshops, the first virtual one already next Monday on the 30th of October from 14:00-16:00 with the EuroCC2/CASTIEL2 network, and the next ones following in November and December as a hybrid format (announcement to follow).

If you want to find out more and participate in this first online workshop, please use the following registration link:


If you want to overall participate in this study and stay updated on the work of EuroHyPerCon and the developments on this field, please use the following registration link:


Workshop objectives:

  • Raise awareness about the EuroHyPerCon study
  • Identify relevant stakeholders for the study, which can provide requirements and feedback
  • Present the initial “User Journeys”, i.e. workflows in using the HPC systems, and get feedback

Target audience:

  • HPC providers and users
  • Other (E.g. Data providers, AI providers, Quantum computing providers, network providers)

Project presentation
14:00 - 14:05


14:05 - 14:15

EuroHyPerCon overview presentation

Bastian Koller, HLRS
14:15 - 14:25

Stakeholders identification and Requirements Capture

Fotis Karayannis, Innov-Acts
14:25 - 14:35

Questions & Answers (Q & A)

Dennis Hoppe, HLRS
Interactive sessions
14:35 - 15:00

Stakeholder identification

Alexander Hektor, HLRS Fotis Karayannis, Innov-Acts
15:00 - 15:30

User journeys

Dennis Hoppe, HLRS Fotis Karayannis, Innov-Acts
15:30 - 15:45

Q&A, Next Steps & Outlook (what we need from you)

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Venue: Online
Mon 30 Oct 2023 14:00 - 16:00 CET