EuroHyPerCon meeting with EuroHPC JU: progress & next steps

On 15 July 2024, EuroHyPerCon team met key people from EuroHPC Joint Undertaking in order to present the current status of the project, discuss issues that need special attention and provide guidance for the final steps of the project.

Topics discussed include the following:

  • Basic elements of the planned EuroHPC JU tenders to acquire connectivity services for the European HPC ecosystem: timeline, scope of specifications, analysis of alternatives
  • Technical issues: boundary of the end-to-end solution, edge security, how to deal with each HPC site having a different setup/policy, Security and other compliance requirements
  • Detailed administrative tenders specs: financial considerations, batches/staging, eligibility criteria, tender types/alternatives

Decisions taken mainly referred to how to deal with open issues regarding the tenders, how to develop the tenders specifications and how to make the current study more comprehensive regarding needs of the HPC user and provider communities.

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