EuroHyPerCon proudly announces that the Final Summary Report of its Study, titled "Connectivity requirements and network design for HPC systems in Europe" is now publicly available through the EU Publication Office.
The EuroHyPerCon study is a strategic initiative designed to address the growing demand for high-performance computing (HPC) and data infrastructures in Europe. With advancements in research areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), climate science, and other data-intensive fields, the need for a secure and federated hyperconnectivity service is evident.
EuroHyPerCon’s primary goal has been to develop a roadmap for a European HPC network that meets the evolving connectivity, performance, and security needs of diverse users across Europe, both now and in the coming years.
This study focused on the infrastructure and service requirements essential for creating a robust network capable of supporting HPC resources across Europe. Its scope included identifying connectivity gaps, assessing technical requirements, and providing a phased implementation plan that builds upon existing European network infrastructures such as GÉANT and National Research and Education Networks (NRENs). Ultimately, this initiative sought to establish a cost-effective and sustainable service model to ensure Europe remains at the forefront of global HPC advancements.
The document is available at