EuroHPC JU Welcomes EuroHyPerCon!

The European High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking (EuroHPC JU) has appointed the “EuroHyPerCon” consortium to perform the a study on hyper-connectivity of High Performance Computing (HPC) resources, in line with its policy framework.

Over the past 5 years, the EuroHPC JU has made significant investments in developing, deploying, and sustaining a world-class integrated supercomputing and data infrastructure in Europe, composed of a series of national and multinational HPC systems. The aim is to create a hyper-connected, federated, and secure HPC and quantum computing service and data infrastructure ecosystem. Therefore, the hyper-connectivity of the EuroHPC ecosystem, i.e. the ultra-fast connectivity across the different EuroHPC systems, along with the interconnection of other major national or regional HPC/data centres across Europe that are not part of the EuroHPC undertaking, is crucial for creating such an ecosystem.

The expected outcome of the study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the communication and/or connectivity needs between EuroHPC systems and other relevant European and national supercomputing and data infrastructures (e.g., European common data spaces), the available technology and service providers, and the landscape of users. It should also facilitate a view of the implementation options, including the description of services to be provided, network architecture, implementation instruments, and budgeting. Finally, the study should provide detailed specifications for the provisioning of the hyper-connectivity services to be provided to the EuroHPC JU.

In this context, the Project is expected to gather relevant information and opinions through consultations and interviews with stakeholders both from public and private organisations. The EuroHPC JU has provided a letter that welcomes the involvement of stakeholders in supporting the goals of the study and encourages them to provide the Project with appropriate input and assistance, as requested.

In line with its competencies in HPC, the EuroHPC would take into account the specifications from the study for an appropriate follow-up.


If you want to overall participate in this study and stay updated on the work of EuroHyPerCon and the developments on this field, please use the following registration link:

Stakeholder registration form: EuroHyPerCon Study Stakeholder Registration – Form 

If you are and HPC stakeholder (service provider, user, network provider), please consider registering to attend the first Stakeholder Workshop, Monday 30 October 2023.

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