Workshop – Hyperconnectivity for European HPC Supercomputers – Feedback from network providers


Note: The Workshop presentations are available to view and download further below.

The workshop took place as part of the EuroHPC JU study called EuroHyPerCon which kicked off in October 2023. The Project is very relevant to network providers, HPC providers, users, and the EuroHPC ecosystem. The main scope of the EuroHyPerCon project is to identify and analyse the connectivity requirements of HPC systems in Europe and subsequently specify a future-proof connectivity service, along with its implementation roadmap. The study is a crucial cornerstone for the EuroHPC JU to develop further and improve the European HPC ecosystem, and thus, the engagement of network facility providers to provide feedback and suggest connectivity solutions is vital.

The workshop focused on the feedback from network providers through discussion on the structure and main concepts of a questionnaire to be used for gathering more feedback in the weeks to come. A great chance for networking and exchanging ideas!

Note: If you would like more information about this event, please contact us at


Introduction - Hyperconnectivity for Europe
14:00 - 14:40
  • Objectives of the meeting (EuroHyPerCon member) Fotis Karayannis, Innov-Acts,
  • EuroHyPerCon study presentation,
    • Study introduction, scope and deliverables, Fotis Karayannis, Innov-Acts
    • Requirements capture and feedback from previous workshops, Dennis Hoppe, HLRS
  • Discussion
Presentation of Questionnaire for Network Providers
14:40 - 15:20
  • Overview presentation, Vassilis Merekoulis, Enomix
  • Discussion of questionnaires planned to be distributed to network providers for feedback
Further discussion on the study points
15:20 - 15:50
Action Planning and Next Steps
15:50 - 16:00
  • Summarize key action points and next steps
  • Plan for next meetings
  • Closing remarks


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Venue: Online
Mon 27 Nov 2023 14:00 - 16:00 CET

Event Recap

Workshop Short Report

Download the Report

EuroHyPerCon Workshop Network Providers 27 Nov report


Workshop Presentations

EuroHyPerCon study presentation

EuroHyPerCon Study Presentation

Download the PDF


Requirements capture and feedback from previous workshops

Feedback from previous workshops

Download the PDF


Overview of questionnaires planned to be distributed to network providers

Network Questionnaire

Download the PDF